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Title: Missile Aerodynamics
1988, 450 pages, $80/ISBN: 0-0620629-0-1
Author: Dr. J. N. Nielsen
Chapter Heading:
Formulas Commonly Used in Missile Aerodynamics
Slender-Body Theory at Supersonic and Subsonic Speeds
Aerodynamics of Bodies; Vortices
Wing-Body Interference
Downwash, Sidewash, and the Wake
Wing-Tail Interference
Aerodynamic Controls
Stability Derivatives
Note: The classic text originally published in 1960 by McGraw-Hill Book Company
then reprinted by NEAR; 1988 edition includes List of Errata.
Now available for purchase through AIAA Store.

Title: Proceedings of the Conference on Missile Aerodynamics
1989, ISBN: 0-9620629-1-X
Topics Covered:
R. G. Lacau (Aerospatiale, FR)
A Survey of Missile Aerodynamics
M. L. Spearman (NASA LaRC, USA)
Historical Review of Missile Aerodynamics Developments
M. M. Briggs (Integrated Systems, USA)
Appropriate Aeroprediction Fidelity in Defining Missile Systems for Aerodynamic Flight
L. E. Ericsson (Lockheed Missiles & Space, USA)
Missile Dynamics: A Critical Assessment of Prediction Capabilities
M. E. Wood (Aircraft Research Assoc., UK)
Application of Experimental Techniques to Store Release Problems
W. B. Baker (Calspan)
Use of Semiempirical Aerodynamic Methods for Preliminary Design
H. W. Hoeijmakers (National Aerospace Laboratory, NL)
Role of CFD in Missile Aerodynamics
M. Tauber (NASA ARC, USA)
Review of High Speed Convective Heat Transfer Computation Methods
M. F. E. Dillenius & D. Nixon (NEAR, Inc., USA)
Prediction Methods for Store Separation
R. J. Krieger (McDonnell Douglas Astronautics, USA)
High Performance Missiles of the Future
Case Histories
From Industry:
R. G. Lacau (Aerospatiale, FR)
The Use of Lateral Jet Control at Aerospatiale
C. S. Epstein (ARMCON Corp., USA)
Integration of Stores on Modern Tactical Aircraft
A. L. Dunne (Loral, USA)
VLA Missile Development and High Angle of Attack Behavior
H. Fuchs (Dornier, FRG)
Dynamic Derivatives of Missiles and Fighter-Type Configurations at High Angles of Attack
Missile Aerodynamics
Store Separation


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