STRLNCH - old page
STRLNCH is a comprehensive 6-DOF store separation simulation software package applicable to high angle-of-attack launch from maneuvering aircraft at subsonic and supersonic speeds. Released store/missile aerodynamics are modeled by either the MISL3 or MISDL software.
Range of Flow Parameters
- Subsonic through supersonic Mach numbers
- Parent aircraft angles of attack/sideslip up to 60 degrees
- Arbitrarily maneuvering aircraft
- Nonzero rotational rates
Quantities Computed
- Launched store 6-DOF trajectory characteristics: translational and rotational positions, velocities and accelerations
- Overall 6-DOF forces and moments time histories: CA, CY, CN, Cl, Cm, Cn
- Fin forces and moments: CAF, CNF, CHM, CBM
- Detailed carriage load distributions on store body and fins
STRLNCH runs fast on workstations and PCs. Reduces need for costly wind tunnel tests. Indispensable in preliminary safe store launch assessment and parent aircraft/store integration studies. |
STRLNCH writes output files that are compatible with Tecplot ® which allows viewing of 3-D animation and 2-D plots of the released store trajectory characteristics. The STRLNCH trajectory results can be read into spreadsheet programs.
Tecplot ® is a registered trademark of Tecplot, Inc.
Important Parent Aircraft Modeling Features
VTXCHN fuselage modeling for high angles of attack
Stall models for wing/pylon(s) at high angles of attack
Hook release and delay modeling
Important Store and Release Modeling Features
See MISL3 and MISDL information
Effects of parent aircraft nonuniform flow
Noncircular store modeling with MISDL
Canard-tail vortical interference
Thrust time histories
Ejection force models
Rail launch option
User-specified autopilot
Lanyard model
Wing-deployment model
Umbilical chord model
Time dependent mass properties
Special modeling for wing-tip mounted missiles
Additional Applications to Launch Vehicles
Aero Software Licensing and Training
Missile Aerodynamics Prediction: MISL3 Detailed Missile Loads: MISDL Euler Solver: NEARZEUSIN (with Inlets) /ZEUSBL Aircraft Store Separation and Carriage Loads Analysis: STRLNCH Aircraft Unsteady Maneuvering: SHAMAN Unsteady Hydrodynamic Analysis: SUBFLO_2 User’s Training for all NEAR Software State Department Export License and TAA Preparation as Required