Dr. Harrison S. Y. Chou
Research Scientist
- Computational Fluid Dynamics,
- Thermochemically Reacting Flow Physics,
- Rarefied Gas Dynamics,
- Reusable Launch Vehicle Aerodynamics,
- Multistage Vehicle Separation Aerodynamics,
- Aeroacoustics,
- Rotorcraft Aerodynamics,
- Statistical Monte Carlo Methods and Kinetic Theory.
Commercial Projects -
- Kistler K-1 reusable launch vehicle
- Beal BA-1 and BA-2 launch vehicles
- Space-X FALCON launch vehicle
- Orbital Science Corporation Taurus rocket
- T-Space - NASA CEV phase I conceptual study
- Quick Reach - C-17 air launch vehicle
- Space Vector Falcon launch vehcile
- Sargent Fletcher anti-missile pod
- BAE Systems anti-missile pod on Boeing 767
- ATK advanced HARM missile
- Rocket Development Company Intrepid launch vehicle
- Space-X Dragon re-entry capsule
- KC-135 aerial refueling
- Panasonic communication pod on Boeing 767 and 717
Research & Development - Kinetic-Based CFD Algorithms
NASA/DOD Projects -
- Development of High-Order Compact Schemes for NASA CFD Code OVERFLOW
- Ares first stage booster re-entry (ATK)
- Ares launch abort vehicle (LAV/MLAS)
- USAF large fairing design for Delta IV launch vehicle
Since joining NEAR, Dr. Chou has worked on several commercial reusable launch vehicle (RLV) aerodynamic designs. These have included reentry vehicle CFD modeling, RLV aerodynamic characteristics analysis, and RLV wake CFD analysis for parachute deployment. Currently, he is the principal CFD research scientist working on aerodynamics of reusable launch vehicles. Prior to working at NEAR, he worked as a CFD research scientist at Hewlett Packard. In addition, Dr. Chou was an Aerodynamics Engineer at British Aerospace, performing research in aerodynamics modeling and flight simulation from 1985 to 1990. He was involved in the development of aerodynamic models for the U.S. Navy EA-6B, BAe-146 and BAe-J31 projects. Dr. Chou has extensive experience on CFD-related software such as GRIDGEN, HYPGEN, OVERGRID, Chimera Grid Tool, PEGASUS, GRIDTOOL-VGRID, OVERFLOW, CFL3D, LAURA, FUN3D and Stanford-PSIM. He is one of the pioneers working in the field of kinetic-based CFD algorithms today. Dr. Chou was one of the principal developers for the 3D DSMC-KFVS hybrid code at Stanford University. Collaborative efforts in the field of CFD with a closely aligned group at Stanford University are providing Dr. Chou with a variety of new CFD technologies.
School |
Major Area of Study |
Degree |
Dissertation Topic |
Stanford University |
Aeronautics/Astronautics |
Ph.D. |
Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting for The Navier-Stokes Equations |
University of Texas |
Aerospace |
M.S. |
Development and Analysis of Ludwieg Transonic Wind Tunnel |
Tamkang University |
Aeronautics |
B.S. |
A Study of Starting Controls for Ramjet Propulsion |
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Member.
- Reisenthel, P. H., Mendenhall, M. R., Childs, R. E., Chou, H. S. Y., and Maly, J. R., "Large Asymmetric Launch Vehicle Payload Fairing," AFRL-RV-PS-TR-2008-1101, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, 2008.
- Mendenhall, M. R. and Chou, H. S. Y., "Aerodynamic Feasibility Study for the Installation of a DBS Radome on the Upper Fuselage of a Boeing 717-200 Aircraft," NEAR TR 644, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, 2008. Mendenhall, M. R. and Chou, H. S. Y., "Viscous Analysis on the Datron 2400 Dorsal DBS Radome Installed on a Boeing 767-300," NEAR TR 634 REV A, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Oct. 2007.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Reisenthel, P. H., Quijano, O. E., and Chou, H. S. Y., "Computational Aerodynamic Analysis of the AirCell ATG Antenna and Jeteye System Installed on a B767-200 Aircraft," NEAR TR 646, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, 2008.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Chou, H. S. Y., Hegedus, M. C., Love, J. F., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Aerodynamic Loads on the Datron 2400 Dorsal DBS Radome Installed on a Boeing 767-300," NEAR TR 633 REV C, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Oct. 2007.
- Mendenhall, M. R. and Chou, H. S. Y., "Computational Aerodynamic Analysis for the EOMS Fairing Designed for Reduced Drag," NEAR TR 623, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jun. 2006.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Chou, H. S. Y., Reisenthel, P. H., Lesieutre, D. J., and Love, J. F., "Jeteye(tm) System Computational Aerodynamic Analysis," NEAR TR 616, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jan. 2006.
- Mendenhall, M. R. and Chou, H. S. Y., "Counter-Manpads System Aerodynamic Design and Analysis," NEAR TR 612, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jul. 2005.
- Mendenhall, M. R. and Chou, H. S. Y., "Counter-Manpads POD Aerodynamic Design and Analysis," NEAR TR 606, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jul. 2004.
- Chou, S. Y., "Applications of Kinetic Fluxes to Hybrid Continuum-Rarefied Methods," Panel on Continuum and Rarefied Flight Regimes (Invited), AIAA 37th Thermophysics Conference, Jun. 2004.
- Chou, H. S. Y. and Ekaterinaris, J. A., "Application of a High-Order Accurate Implicit Method to Rotor Aerodynamics," NEAR TR 583, Vol. I, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jan. 2003.
- Chou, H. S. Y., "Overflow User's Manual (High-Order Compact Schemes Version 1.0)," NEAR TR 583, Vol. II, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc., Mountain View, CA, Jan. 2003
- Chou, H. S. Y. and Ekaterinaris, J. A., "A Compact High-Order CFD Package for the Flow Solver OVERFLOW," AIAA 2003-1234, Jan. 2003.
- Chou, H. S. Y., "Development and Validation of High-Order Compact Schemes for the Flow Solver OVERFLOW," The 6th Overset Composite Grid and Solution Technology Symposium, Fort Walton Beach, FL, 8-10 Oct. 2002.
- Ekaterinaris, J. A. and Chou, H. S. Y., "Development of High-Order Accurate Implicit Methods for Rotor Aerodynamics," AIAA 2002-0964, Jan. 2002.
- Pruzan, D. A., Keefe, L. R., Ekaterinaris, J. A. and Chou, H. S. Y., "A Practical Variable Geometry Hydrodynamic Control Surface," NEAR TR 565, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc., Mountain View, CA, May 2001.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Chou, H. S. Y., and Love, J. F., "Aerodynamic Design and Analysis of a Reusable Launch Vehicle," ICAS 2000-0322, 22nd International Congress of Aeronautical Sciences, Harrogate, UK, Aug. 2000.
- Chou, H. S. Y., "On the Mathematical Properties of Split Kinetic Fluxes," AIAA 2000-0921, Jan. 2000.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Chou, H. S. Y., and Love, J. F., " Computational Aerodynamic Design and Analysis of Launch Vehicles," AIAA 2000-0385, Jan. 2000.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Chou, H. S. Y., and Love, J. F., "Computational Aerodynamic Design and Analysis of a Commercial Reusable Launch Vehicle," NASA/MSFC Thermal and Fluids Analysis Workshop '99, Huntsville, AL, Sep. 13-17, 1999.
- Mendenhall, M. R. and Chou, H. S. Y., "Kistler K-1 Orbital Vehicle Wake Flow Field Analysis," NEAR TR 536, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc., Mountain View, CA, Jul. 1998.
- Chou, H. S. Y. and Baganoff, D., "Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting for the Navier-Stokes Equations," Journal of Computational Physics, 130, Jan. 1997.
- Chou, H. S. Y., "Kinetic Flux Vector Splitting for the Navier-Stokes Equations," Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, Jun. 1995.