Title: |
Proceedings of the Conference on Missile Aerodynamics 1989, ISBN: 0-9620629-1-X |
Topics Covered: |
- R. G. Lacau (Aerospatiale, FR)
- A Survey of Missile Aerodynamics
- M. L. Spearman (NASA LaRC, USA)
- Historical Review of Missile Aerodynamics Developments
- M. M. Briggs (Integrated Systems, USA)
- Appropriate Aeroprediction Fidelity in Defining Missile Systems for
Aerodynamic Flight
- L. E. Ericsson (Lockheed Missiles & Space, USA)
- Missile Dynamics: A Critical Assessment of Prediction Capabilities
- M. E. Wood (Aircraft Research Assoc., UK)
- Application of Experimental Techniques to Store Release Problems
- W. B. Baker (Calspan)
- Use of Semiempirical Aerodynamic Methods for Preliminary Design
- H. W. Hoeijmakers (National Aerospace Laboratory, NL)
- Role of CFD in Missile Aerodynamics
- M. Tauber (NASA ARC, USA)
- Review of High Speed Convective Heat Transfer Computation Methods
- M. F. E. Dillenius & D. Nixon (NEAR, Inc., USA)
- Prediction Methods for Store Separation
- R. J. Krieger (McDonnell Douglas Astronautics, USA)
- High Performance Missiles of the Future
Case Histories From
Industry: |
- R. G. Lacau (Aerospatiale, FR)
- The Use of Lateral Jet Control at Aerospatiale
- C. S. Epstein (ARMCON Corp., USA)
- Integration of Stores on Modern Tactical Aircraft
- A. L. Dunne (Loral, USA)
- VLA Missile Development and High Angle of Attack Behavior
- H. Fuchs (Dornier, FRG)
- Dynamic Derivatives of Missiles and Fighter-Type Configurations at High
Angles of Attack
Panel Discussions: |
- Missile Aerodynamics
- Store Separation